• Orthodox Reader I Online - prepared by Fr. Miron Klysh

  • Fr Daniel Byantoro - Teaching on the Trinity


    A comprehensive introduction to, and overview of, Holy Scripture. Jesus Christ as the key to understanding Scripture. What is the Bible? By whom and for whom was it written? Types of literature in the Bible. The Bible as revelation – the word of God. Geographical settings of the Bible. Historical background to the Bible. A survey of the books of the Bible with brief summaries of their content, purpose and themes. Main themes of the Bible. The place, significance and use of Holy Scripture in the Orthodox Church. Canon of Scripture. The Septuagint translation. Personal Reading of Holy Scripture. The changing place and influence of the Bible in European and North American civilization over the centuries.

  • Liturgics III divides into three main sections.

    The first explores what might be called the “specific” sacraments, those relating to a particular purpose: marriage, ordination, healing unction, confession/absolution. The liturgical ordo for each of these and the theology expressed is studied.

    The second looks at liturgical life within time. Baptism and Eucharist are outside the constraints of chronological time. But the Church has a structure for our life within time as well, the origins of which even predate Christianity. In the daily cycle, matins and vespers are a part of parish life and additional hours developed within the monastic heritage. The Church also evolved an annual cycle of seasons and festivals which allow us to have a balanced and complete experience of Christian faith and truth.

    The third is devoted to liturgical theology, a worship life lived in theological integrity. The concepts of community, the Body of Christ, apostolic succession, the liturgical importance of the bishop, catholicity, and theosis are important in this section.  

  • The Church’s liturgical life as the framework and context for Christian education.
    Sanctification of life. Sanctification of time. Sanctification of matter. Resources and means for Christian education: Holy Scriptures, lives and teachings of the saints, icons. Educational materials produced by the North American Orthodox Churches. Age-appropriate themes and means of Christian education.